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This is one of the college books that we can buy.

If this textbook is a book that you are not currently using and want to sell, or is a textbook that you don't need any more, you are welcome to either keep it, or sell it here, it's up to you.

Title: A QUO SI! ENHANCED ED. W/Access Code
Date of Copyright: 2015
ISBN: 1285849256

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This website, this service, allows you to sell college textbooks virtually any day of the entire year. Please give us a try. We welcome comments about how easy we've made it to sell college textbooks.

Following are two more sample textbook descriptions. Again, if you have these books, and you're not using them, you are welcome to sell them here.

Textbook title: COUNTERVISIONS
Author of book: HAMAMOTO
Copyright: 2000
ISBN Number: 1566397766

Author of book: FRANKFORTER
Copyright: 2003
ISBN Number: 0130978515

To sell college textbooks, Enter in the ISBN numbers of your textbooks, all at once, with or without commas, then click, "SELL BOOKS."

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